Tired of managing your on-premises Exchange servers, and not happy about yet another Exchange 0-day exploit?
We’ll migrate you to Zimbra for a flat $22.50 per mailbox with minimal effort on your part. You can have your Zimbra mailboxes on our multi-tenant Zimbra Hosting environment (hosted in our highly secure, redundant and performant cluster on Amazon Web Services), or; we can build you your own bespoke Zimbra system on your premises or in any Cloud environment you wish.
In a rush? Exchange server compromised? We can provision new mailboxes for you usually on the same day.
Zimbra is incredibly secure, has more than half a billion mailboxes in production and:
- Supports Outlook integration natively,
- Provides secure multi-factor authentication using Microsoft Authenticator and other similar applications,
- Does authentication against Active Directory and even supports SSO,
- Sports a powerful yet simplified Administration web interface, and,
- Provides for encryption at rest and in flight by default (in case HIPAA or similar compliance requirements are a need).
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