Mission Critical Email


InboxExpo Key Email Deliverability Takeaways for B2B Senders

Enhancing Email Deliverability for B2B senders’ outbound transactional and marketing emails was a core track at last week’s InboxExpo. This post covers several key takeaways to help you improve your B2B email deliverability. In case you missed it, to further reduce spam and domain spoofing specifically,  Google and Yahoo (affectionately …

Host Your MTA-STS Text File on Amazon Web Services For Pennies Per Month

We know that deploying MTA-STS better secures inbound email and can prevent MITM and downgrade attacks. But you need a public web server to host the ~/.well-known/mta-sts.txt file.  Not everyone has access to a web server they can use for this purpose, and even if they did, securing, patching, monitoring …

Zimbra Security Tip – Regulate Outbound Traffic With Stateful Firewalls

Historically, Zimbra firewalling has focused on regulating only Inbound traffic, but we can better protect our Zimbra systems if we also regulate Outbound traffic by using a Stateful Firewall. What Is a Stateful Firewall? Stateful firewalls, which now account for the majority of SMB and enterprise grade firewalls, can track …